I got This Alcase Hubsan H002 Nano Quadcopter Helicopter Drone on discount It has a charger it has extra Mini blades, camera but i dont have a SDHC card to test it out so i dont know what it sees there is a remote that needs AAA batteries and so I put that in and it totally works. I added it in to the remote control and it lights up to red. On the drone i had to press down so it can also have colors come on to know that it has turned on. It is very light weight and durable. I made it fly and it goes really fast up in the sky and than it just falls down fast. It didn't break at all.
The camera is 480 and i it comes with a USB cable, a manual, a transmitter. The remote is easy to use you just need to turn it on and it makes noises. If you have trouble just look in the manual how to use it.
Overall this is my 1st helicopter drone and i must say its cute durable and easy to use I like it and when i get the SDHC card I will test it out some more
Check the link to the drone below